Variable Barricade é uma visual novel pouco convencional, com uma jogabilidade que lembra um jogo de tabuleiro. Apesar de não apresentar muitas escolhas durante a campanha, o jogo possui, ao todo, 19 finais, sendo um deles o True Ending.
Para ter acesso ao verdadeiro desfecho dessa comédia romântica, é preciso, primeiro, obter o Love Ending de um dos quatro pretendentes de Hibari. Confira a seguir como chegar ao final verdadeiro — não se preocupe, este passo a passo é livre de spoilers!
Algumas considerações iniciais
O grande trunfo de Variable Barricade é a possibilidade de jogar cada rota na ordem que preferirmos. Dessa forma. a ideia por trás das escolhas na rota do pretendente favorito é favorecê-lo, escolhendo as respostas que aumentem o romance (love), e negando a investida dos outros rapazes com as escolhas que aumentam a razão (reason). Uma vez completados os Love Endings de Nayuta, Taiga, Shion e Ichiya, o True Ending ficará disponível.
Diferentemente das demais rotas, não há nenhuma escolha a ser feita durante os capítulos do True Ending. Para dar início ao desfecho desta visual novel, basta começar um novo jogo, pular a Common Route e escolher o True Board na tela de tabuleiros.
Nayuta Yagami
Nayuta é hiperativo, desajeitado e tem algumas manias estranhas. Para os outros personagens, o mais novo dos pretendentes é muito parecido com um cachorrinho, mas o rapaz tem um coração de ouro e fará de tudo para conquistar o amor de Hibari.
Common RouteSave 1
- Ignore them.
- Nayuta Yagami
- Ichiya Mitsumori
- Taiga Isurugi
- Shion Mayuzumi
- I’m not in the mood.
- Nayuta Yagami
- Stop pushing yourself so much.
- Ichiya Mitsumori
- Don't you get tired of jousting wits with me?
- Taiga Isurugi
- Yes, I know.
- Shion Mayuzumi
- Then I'll do it.
Barricade Board (LV1): Nayuta Yagami
- Why is he like this?
- I'm worried about you.
- You did great.
- His directness.
Barricade Board (LV1): Ichiya Mitsumori
- I'm not that particular.
- You aren't a servant.
- Let go of my hands.
- Why go that far…?
Barricade Board (LV1): Taiga Isurugi
- Because you're my suitor.
- Arguments are problematic, and should be avoided.
- It was frightening.
- Scold him.
Barricade Board (LV1): Shion Mayuzumi
- I like how I am now.
- Do you not like pets because you're so similar to them?
- It's difficult.
- Rally more cats.
Common RouteSave 2Nayuta’s Love End
- Make a decision.
- Nayuta
Save 3
- You didn't hurt yourself, did you?
- … I'm honestly not sure.
- I was so scared.
- Gosh, what are the chances?
- I’m better off with you.
Save 4
- No, that's not why.
- I don't want to choose.
- I liked Kevin.
- I believe in Nayuta.
- No, I'm not.
- I can't.
- Nayuta probably likes them.
Taiga Isurugi
Taiga é um rapaz que fala tudo o que pensa, muitas vezes sendo grosseiro, rude e até mesmo pervertido. Contudo, apesar de sua aparência, ele é o típico “bad boy com coração de ouro”, capaz de revelar suas verdadeiras intenções para Hibari se ela lhe der uma chance.
Common RouteSave 1
- Ignore them.
- Taiga Isurugi
- Ichiya Mitsumori
- Shion Mayuzumi
- Nayuta Yagami
- I have other plans...
- Taiga Isurugi
- I hope to...
- Ichiya Mitsumori
- You aren't forcing your 'wit,' are you?
- Shion Mayuzumi
- You shouldn't bother Yagami
- Nayuta Yagami
- Stop pushing yourself so much.
Barricade Board Choice (LV1): Taiga Isurugi
- Because I'm worried about your health.
- What's even the point of arguing?
- It was trying.
- Offer to help.
Barricade Board Choice (LV1): Ichiya Mitsumori
- I'm not that particular.
- You aren't a servant.
- Let go of my hands.
- Why go that far…?
Barricade Board Choice (LV1): Shion Mayuzumi
- I like how I am now.
- Do you not like pets because you're so similar to them?
- It's difficult.
- Rally more cats.
Barricade Board Choice (LV1): Nayuta Yagami
- He should worry about himself.
- I'm irritated.
- Admirable job.
- This enthusiasm.
Common Route
- Made a decision.
- Taiga
Taiga’s Love EndSave 2
- You're really paying attention.
- Of course I'm not going to panic.
- How can you take it that gracefully?
- Thank you. That was enlightening.
- I’m sure you were just telling the truth.
Save 3
- I'm envious.
- I'm not family.
- If you say so...
- Why...?
- You're the one who was putting on an act.
- Pushed him past his breaking point.
- Absolutely not!
Shion Mayuzumi
Se alguma coisa pode ser feita, ela não o será por Shion. O jovem, apesar de calmo e reservado, está acostumado a ter tudo o que deseja na palma das mãos, mas talvez por Hibari ele seja capaz de fazer uma coisinha ou duas.
Common RouteSave 1
- Call for Kasuga.
- Shion Mayuzumi
- Ichiya Mitsumori
- Taiga Isurugi
- Nayuta Yagami
- I'm too tired.
- Shion Mayuzumi
- Then I'll do it.
- Ichiya Mitsumori
- Don't you get tired of jousting wits with me?
- Taiga Isurugi
- Yes, I know.
- Nayuta Yagami
- If you don't want to do all this, say so!
Barricade Board (LV1): Shion Mayuzumi
- I'm intrigued.
- Do you have allergies?
- It's fun.
- Pick the cats up.
Barricade Board (LV1): Ichiya Mitsumori
- I'm not that particular.
- You aren't a servant.
- Let go of my hands.
- Why go that far...?
Barricade Board (LV1): Taiga Isurugi
- Because you're my suitor.
- Arguments are problematic, and should be avoided.
- It was frightening.
- Scold him.
Barricade Board (LV1): Nayuta Yagami
- He should worry about himself.
- I'm irritated.
- Admirable job.
- This enthusiasm.
Common Route
- Make a decision.
- Shion
Shion’s Love EndSave 2
- I thought his perfume would be the same as mine.
- Amethyst.
- I'm sure Shion has his reasons.
- I'm shy
- ...Are you mad?
Save 3
- Because it's not proper.
- Can you forgive him?
- That seems like a waste.
- Was it for me?
- I’m sorry...
- What about Shion?
Ichiya Mitsumori
Mulherengo e sempre com cantadas na ponta da língua, Ichiya poderia muito bem ser um host em um clube noturno. O mais velho do quarteto dos pretendentes é, contudo, um exímio cozinheiro e tentará, a todo custo, fisgar sua amada pelo estômago.
Common RouteSave 1
- Insist they have the wrong person.
- Ichiya Mitsumori
- Taiga Isurugi
- Shion Mayuzumi
- Nayuta Yagami
- I'm too tired.
- Ichiya Mitsumori
- You aren’t forcing your 'wit,' are you?
- Taiga Isurugi
- I hope to...
- Shion Mayuzumi
- You shouldn't bother Yagami
- Nayuta Yagami
- If you don't want to do all this, say so!
Barricade Board (LV1): Ichiya Mitsumori
- What makes you think that?
- I don't want to be spoiled.
- It doesn't matter what others think.
- Thank you...
Barricade Board (LV1): Taiga Isurugi
- Because you’re my suitor.
- Arguments are problematic, and should be avoided.
- It was frightening.
- Scold him.
Barricade Board (LV1): Shion Mayuzumi
- I like how I am now.
- Do you not like pets because you’re so similar to them?
- It’s difficult.
- Rally more cats.
Barricade Board (LV1): Nayuta Yagami
- He should worry about himself.
- I’m irritated.
- Admirable job.
- This enthusiasm.
Common Route
- Make a choice
- Ichiya
Ichiya's Love EndSave 2
- Yes, I enjoyed myself.
- I want to know the real you.
- Can you visualize it...?
- Are you going to give up?
- I believe you.
Save 3
- He seemed mature.
- (Thank goodness...)
- She was no better...
- I'll look forward to it.
- Good luck...?
- He's trying his best.
- Tease him.
- Thank you.
Mesmo que este simples guia só foque na obtenção do final verdadeiro de Variable Barricade, a visual novel não se resume apenas às rotas românticas de cada pretendente — afinal, como mencionado, são 19 finais ao todo. No meu ranque de personagens, Nayuta ocupa o primeiro lugar. Qual é o seu predileto?
Revisão: Janderson Silva