Como sempre a N Gamer muito generosa com os games Nintendo. Confira todas as notas:
Marbles! Balance Challenge (Wii) - 84%
New Play Control! Pikmin 2 (Wii) - 90%
Trivial Pursuit (Wii) - 62%
MySims Party (Wii) 55%
Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis (Wii) - 70%
Rittai Picross (Wii) - 84%
Jungle Speed (WiiWare) - 3/5
Snowboard Riot (WiiWare) - 2/5
Texax Hold Em (WiiWare) - 3/5
Art Style: Rotohex (WiiWare) - 3/5
Peggle Dual Shot (DS) - 83%
Retro Game Challenge (DS) - 60%
Puzzle Quest Galactrix (DS) - 77%
Enchanted Folk and the School of Wizardry (DS) - 63%
Suikoden Tierkreis (DS) - 85%
Pokemon Platinum (DS) - 89%
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Sacrifice (DS) - 55%
Bleach: Dark Souls (DS) - 73%
Avalon Code (DS) - 68%