
Bomba: Dragon Quest IX... no Wii?

em 04/12/2008

O fofoqueiro número 1 do mundo dos games, Quartermann soltou um boato hoje que é no mínimo surpreendente. Segundo ele, Dragon Quest IX que a... (por Gustavo Assumpção em 04/12/2008, via Nintendo Blast)

O fofoqueiro número 1 do mundo dos games, Quartermann soltou um boato hoje que é no mínimo surpreendente. Segundo ele, Dragon Quest IX que até então sairia apenas para o DS, daria as caras também no Wii. Essa afirmação foi feita com base na estratégia da Square de lançar Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time simultaneamente nos dois consoles. O rumor pode parecer absurdo mas não é impossível.

Se por acaso ele se confirmar, o Wii terá um grandioso trunfo na manga para 2009. Confira o texto completo escrito por Quartermann:


Last month we learned exactly how the connectivity between the Wii and DS would work in the upcoming Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time, but if the latest rumor from Quartermann in the the January issue of EGM is to be believed, Square Enix will not stop there with the new technology. Our favorite gossip master has heard that the RPG giant will be bringing Dragon Quest IX: Protectors of the Starry Sky to the Wii as well as the DS.

While Dragon Quest IX being announced for the DS rat her than a home console was a big enough surprise in the first place, fans of the long-running series were even more shocked to discover that this latest entry will sport faster-paced gameplay and a surprising MMO-lite option to play with up to four friends. Assuming this multiplayer mode works similarly to the DS-and-Wii-linking Echoes of Time, it makes sense that Square would bring DQIX to the console as well. The only question that remains is whether or not the Wii port will receive a graphical upgrade -- the Wii and DS versions of the new Crystal Chronicles are going to be identical, after all. Hopefully Square will confirm this news soon and give us more details.

In the mean time, check out 1UP's most recent preview of Dragon Quest IX for information on how the multiplayer team-ups will work and what else sets this apart from previous games in the franchise. And stay tuned for more Quartermann rumors throughout the week!

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Gustavo Assumpção
Estudante de Jornalismo, apreciador de rock britânico, pouco cuidadoso com as palavras, rico de espírito, triste com as relações nesse mundo e esperançoso com o futuro.
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